BOG 2201

Environmental Management For Sustainable Dev’t

Course ID
BOG 2201
3 CU

Module Overview

This course seeks to address the emergence of sustainable development as well as sustainable natural resource management in the development process of global economies. The course will introduce students to the concepts and considerations of mainstreaming environment into decision making concerning physical development. It will review the evolution of environment from peripheral criteria to a main focus within the framework of sustainable development. In addition, the course discusses the aspects of environmentalism and environmental movements from a theoretical and conceptual perspective. It highlights the control of natural resources by communities as an alternative to state control and privatization through an analysis of property rights and resource management regimes. The course aims to provide the students with a sound conceptual, theoretical and empirical background to the issues of environment, sustainable development and natural resource management; and prepare them for further research in these areas.


On successful completion of the course, students would be able to:

  1. Have interactive and practical programme providing a vigorous training in the legal, political and ethical dimensions of sustainability.
  2. A wide range of options allowing students to specialise in specific aspects of sustainable environmental management,
  3. Build an excellent foundation for professional careers in environmental consultancy, government agencies, research and other organisations in the public and private sector

Mode of Delivery

Lectures, Group discussions and Tutorials


Course Works 50%
Written Examination 50%

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